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Events & Programs

The Smith years are ones of growth and change. 作为一名学生,你在这里度过的时间可以带来新的体验, new directions, new challenges, and often, questioning. 我们提供每周的节目和其他宗教和精神活动,以促进学习和对话. These programs may combine reflection, discussion, prayer and self-discovery, 鼓励学生一生的精神发展. 如果你有一个节目的想法,请联系 Maureen Raucher or Kim Alston.

Religious & Spiritual Events on Campus

Observing Holidays

在大学期间花时间庆祝宗教节日既是一种乐趣,也是一种挑战. The Center for Religious & 精神生活为几个宗教节日提供校园活动, 我们可以帮你在社区找到其他节日的服务. 学校规定,任何不能上课的学生, 由于宗教仪式而进行的考试或工作将被原谅,并给予补考的机会. 这些信息可以在澳门葡京博彩软件的宗教表达部分找到 Course Catalog.

Local Congregations & Places of Worship

当地教会非常欢迎学生, 并提供向公众开放的礼拜和其他活动. See our 当地教会和礼拜场所的名单.

Weekly Programming Fall 2024

Mindful Mondays 

Mondays 12:15-1 p.m., Campus Center 205

如果你正在寻找一个建立联系和练习自我意识的地方, 来看看我们的“正念星期一”计划吧, every Monday in-person in Campus Center Room 205, 12:15–1 p.m. We serve a hot, simple vegetarian meal, and practice mindfulness with light meditation, embodiment practice, and discussion. 绝对不需要经验,欢迎所有学生. Email with questions.

Jummah Prayer

Fridays 12:30-2:30 p.m., Off Campus

和我们一起在哈德利的汉普郡清真寺观看Jummah. 下午12:25在海伦希尔斯教堂前见面. 面包车将于下午12:30出发,不迟于下午2:30返回校园. 带上祈祷毯,提前完成你的沐浴. We have extra prayer rugs if you need one! To RSVP, email 如果你有兴趣参加其他不同传统的清真寺, contact Kim Alston, Muslim Student Adviser at

Soup, Salad, & Soul

Fridays 12:10-1 p.m., Bodman Lounge

Come get cozy and enjoy a hot, 优秀的学生厨师在参加反思时制作了美味的素食汤, student-led discussions on spirituality and life! 欢迎所有宗教,精神和非宗教/非精神背景的学生. Limited to Smith OneCard holders. 有关食物和其他一般无障碍问题的详细信息,请发送电子邮件 or

SCJC Shabbat

Fridays 5:30 p.m., Kosher Kitchen, Jordan House

每周五晚上与澳门葡京博彩软件的犹太社区一起庆祝安息日. Please email for more information. All students are welcome.

Catholic Mass

Sundays at 3 p.m., Sanctuary

With Smith College Newman Catholic Club and Fr. Valentine Nworah. 欢迎澳门葡京博彩软件社区的成员和五学院的学生! Contact for mass details.

Special Programming

Al Nur Spiritual Gatherings 


Bodman Lounge

欢迎所有人参加阿尔努尔精神聚会! “真主是天地的光...Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light." - Al Nur 35 
To RSVP, email 

Generating Justice and Joy

Thursday, October 17, November 14, 2024

《澳门葡京博彩软件》(GJJ)系列将校园社区聚集在一起,共同应对全球范围内的破坏性事件, 社会上或政治上——通过社区集会, which involve ritual, collaboration, and mutual support.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Services

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 6:00 - 7:15 p.m., Chapel
欢迎所有人参加犹太新年的犹太新年晚祷. 服务将由澳门葡京博彩软件的犹太学生顾问领导, Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer, Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen ‘19, Lux Onigman, and other Smith students.  澳门葡京博彩软件教堂的礼拜仪式是校园式的(比大多数犹太教堂更随意), dress up or down, 迟到或早退)和保守党的结合, Reform, and creative practice.  Students from most traditions, and even students with no background, will find them welcoming and comfortable. 紧接着是洁食晚餐(请回复)

Rosh Hashanah Dinner

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 7:30  p.m., Chapel
澳门葡京博彩软件犹太社区和宗教和精神生活中心邀请您参加节日犹太晚餐,庆祝犹太新年.  欢迎所有人来犹太餐厅用餐,但需要预订.  加入我们的甜面包,苹果和蜂蜜,鲑鱼,和更多.  晚餐将在犹太新年礼拜结束后7:30左右开始.  来吃晚餐或在下午6点来服务,留下吃晚餐.  RSVP:


Rosh Hashanah Morning Services

Thursday, October 3, 2024, 9:30 a.m., Chapel
欢迎大家参加犹太新年晨祷. 服务将由澳门葡京博彩软件的犹太学生顾问领导, Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer, Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen ‘19, Lux Onigman, and other Smith students. 澳门葡京博彩软件教堂的礼拜仪式是校园式的(比大多数犹太教堂更随意), dress up or down, 迟到或早退)和保守党的结合, Reform, and creative practice. Students from most traditions, and even students with no background, will find them welcoming and comfortable. Shofar will be sounded after 11:30am. Followed immediately by a Kosher lunch.

Rosh Hashanah Lunch

和我们一起在早上的礼拜后享用一顿清淡的犹太午餐.  RSVP required

Second Day at Ohel Minyan

Friday, October 4, 2024, Time Varies
与SCJC的学生和Bruce拉比一起参加Ohel Minyan(传统的平等主义)服务.  Contact to arrange to go with students.


Friday, October 4, 2024, 4:00 -5:15 p.m.
犹太新年的一个主题是反思过去的一年,迎接新的一年.  CRSL Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen, Smith College '19, 将带领一个反思性写作练习,然后是tashlich, 摆脱上一年负担的仪式.  下午4点在船屋集合,4点10分一起步行到米尔河.  沿着米尔河(Mill River)的步道无法完全通行.)


Wednesday, October 9 & 23, 2024, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Bodman Lounge, Helen Hills Hills Chapel

由宗教生活中心主办,澳门葡京博彩软件社区精神伙伴格西·阿旺·辛格主持. 这些每月两次的互动课程将包括呼吸冥想的指导和练习, concentration meditation, blessing meditation, and tong-len (exchange of self and other), concluding Q&A with light refreshments. All are welcome!


Dashain Festival

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 6-10 p.m.

Dashain is one of the major festivals observed in Nepal; it symbolizes the victory of good over evil...

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Learning to Meditate

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | 7-8 p.m.

Hosted by Geshe Ngawang Singey. 这些每月两次的互动会议将包括指导...

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Soup, Salad, and Soul

Friday, October 11, 2024 | 12:15-1 p.m.

来享受舒适,享受一个热腾腾的,美味的素食汤,由优秀的学生厨师,同时采取 ...

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Join us for Jummah!

Friday, October 11, 2024 | 12:20-12:30 p.m.

下午12:30在海伦希尔斯教堂集合,前往哈德利的汉普郡清真寺. Van tra...

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