
怀孕政策 & 相关条件

民权遵从办公室 and 第九条

怀孕政策 & 相关条件 (PDF)


I. 声明

澳门葡京博彩软件特此制定一项政策和程序,以确保保护和平等对待怀孕的学生, 有怀孕相关情况的学生, 还有初为父母的学生. Policies related to employees who are pregnant, 有怀孕相关的情况, 还是新父母都是在 员工手册.

澳门葡京博彩软件致力于创造和维护一个所有个人都享有不受歧视自由的社区, 包括基于性别的歧视, as mandated by 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972.

性别歧视, which can include 歧视 based on pregnancy, 婚姻状况, 或者父母身份, 是被禁止和非法入场的吗, 教育项目和活动, 招聘, 离开政策, 就业政策, 还有健康保险.

澳门葡京博彩软件 does not discriminate against pregnant people on the basis of pregnancy, 分娩, 泌乳, 假怀孕或假胎, 流产, 终止妊娠, 或相关条件, 包括恢复. 学生 at 澳门葡京博彩软件 have the right to take medically necessary leave and to be free from harassment, 恐吓, 歧视, 和报复,因为怀孕相关的条件,并有权回到相同的学术和联合课程的立场后,这些目的休假.

To search within this policy, press “Control+F” (or “Command+F” for a Mac) on your keyboard.

II. 范围

This policy applies to all pregnant people enrolled as an under研究生, 研究生, 或者是非学位课程的学生. This policy applies to all aspects of the College’s 教育项目和活动.

员工应参考 员工手册 for specific information about the rights of employees who are pregnant or have related conditions. 认为自己因怀孕而遭受性别歧视的员工可以向学院提出投诉,投诉内容见第七部分.下面的一个.

3. 定义

These definitions apply to terms as they are used in this policy.

A.   限制 means a physical or mental condition related to, 受, 或者是由于怀孕引起的, 分娩, 或相关的医疗条件.

B.    医学的必要性 is a determination made by a healthcare provider of a student’s choosing.

C.    怀孕 or 相关条件 表示(1)怀孕, 分娩, 终止妊娠, or 泌乳; (2) Medical conditions related to pregnancy, 分娩, 终止妊娠, or 泌乳; or (3) Recovery from pregnancy, 分娩, 终止妊娠, 泌乳, 或相关的医疗条件.

D.    怀孕歧视 包括对受妊娠影响的个体或与妊娠相关的病症的治疗不如对未受此影响的同类个体有利, and includes a failure to provide legally mandated leave or accommodations.

E.    Pregnant person/怀孕的人 means a person who is or has experienced 怀孕 or 相关条件. This term includes people who need support as the result of any pregnancy or pregnancy related condition. 这项政策及其与怀孕有关的保护适用于所有怀孕的学生,无论其性别认同或表达.

F.    与怀孕有关的残疾 指在怀孕或分娩过程中发生的身体或精神损伤,严重限制了一项主要的生活活动.

G.    合理的住宿 means an accommodation provided to individuals who have a disability.

H.    合理的修改 是学术上的变化吗, 生活, 或餐饮环境或典型操作,使怀孕或与怀孕有关的学生能够继续学业并享受学院的平等福利.

IV. 政策

A.   澳门葡京博彩软件及其员工不得要求学生因怀孕或与怀孕有关的情况而限制学业.

B.   任何澳门葡京博彩软件的员工都必须通知第九条协调员,学生提出的与怀孕有关的合理修改或任何已知的与怀孕有关的限制的任何请求.

C.   澳门葡京博彩软件的员工在得知学生怀孕或相关情况时,必须向学生提供第九条协调员的联系信息,并告知学生第九条协调员可以采取行动支持学生, 防止性别歧视, and ensure the student has equal access to 教育项目和活动.

D.   为怀孕学生提供的教育福利和服务不应低于为有临时医疗条件的学生提供的教育福利和服务.

E.   Pregnant People will be treated in the same manner as other individuals with temporary medical conditions.

F.   孕妇参加教育项目或活动不需要提供任何证明,除非所有参与者都被要求这样做.

G.   教师, 工作人员, and other employees are prohibited from interfering with a student’s taking leave, 寻求合理的住宿, or otherwise exercising their rights under this 政策.

H.   与怀孕有关的残疾.

      a.   有怀孕相关残疾的学生, 和其他残疾学生一样, are entitled to reasonable accommodations and may seek assistance from the 无障碍资源中心 (“弧”).
      b.   Where ARC requires students to identify their disabilities and request accommodations by a fixed date in the term, 如果由于怀孕或相关情况而导致残疾,则可以在任何时候给予最后期限例外. 
      c.   确定合理住宿的程序应与在ARC注册的任何个人采用的程序相同.

I.   合理的修改. 应向孕妇提供合理的修改,以保护孕妇的健康和安全,并根据每个孕妇的需要进行调整. The College will not ask for supporting documentation for the need when the need is obvious. 合理的修改 may include, but are not limited to:

      a.   allowing the pregnant person to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances if requested by the pregnant person;
      b.   modifications to the physical environment (such as accessible seating);
      c.   流动性支持; 
      d.   extending deadlines and/or allowing the student to make up tests or assignments missed for pregnancy related absences; 
      e.   其他课堂参与选项;
      f.   occasional medically-necessary absences; and
     g.   准假.

J.   泌乳. 怀孕的人, 包括哺乳期的人吗, will be granted reasonable time and space for 泌乳 in a location that is private, 清洁, 而且很容易接近. 浴室不满足这一要求. Individuals have reasonable access to these protections for so long as the need continues.

学院目前有几个 供哺乳用的空间,包括:

  • 莉莉·霍尔,206室
  • 尼尔森图书馆(三楼)


K.   生活安排. 学生 who reside in College housing may continue to reside in their assigned room, or be transferred to a new space as a reasonable modification, 在她们怀孕期间. 孩子不允许住在传统的学院宿舍,怀孕的人必须在出生后做出其他的生活安排. Conway House is designated as family housing; while Ada Comstock Scholars with families receive priority placement, there may be limited availability for graduate and under研究生s with families. Please contact the Office of 居住生活 for assistance.

L.   学术休假. 怀孕的人 may take an academic leave of absence but are not required to do so. 教师, 工作人员, or other employees shall not require a student to take a leave of absence, or withdraw from or limit their studies due to pregnancy, 分娩, 或相关条件.

i.   怀孕 and related conditions meet the conditions for a leave of absence. An enrolled student may elect to take a leave of absence for up to one academic year. 在情有可原的情况下,或者由于学生的健康需要,假期可以延长.
      ii.   学生的执照医疗保健提供者将至少在医学上必要的时间内给予请假. 
     3.   Pregnant People who take an academic leave of absence are eligible for an extension of time to complete their degree. 
     iv.   The following types of leave are available to all students, including Pregnant People:
            a.   事假
            b.   自愿或个人提款
     v.   休假回来后, the student will be reinstated to the College in the same academic and extracurricular status as when the leave began. 
     vi.   学生 may be eligible for refunds due to a leave of absence or a withdrawal. 退款信息 可向学生财务服务处索取. 学生应该咨询学生金融服务,以确定如果他们休假,他们的联邦财政援助可能会受到怎样的影响. 
     7.   Continuation of the student’s College-supported scholarship, 奖学金, 或类似的大学赞助资金在休假期间将取决于学生的注册状态和有关注册状态的资助计划的政策. 学生 will not be negatively impacted or forfeit their future eligibility for College-supported scholarship, 奖学金, or similar college-sponsored funding by taking leave under this policy.

M.   学生员工休假. 同时也是学院员工的学生,如因怀孕或与怀孕有关的情况而寻求合理的住宿或休假,应联系人力资源部门,以审查适用的就业政策.

V. 报复

教师, 工作人员, 和其他雇员不得因学生行使本政策所规定的权利而对其进行报复, 包括因学生要求休假或住宿而施加或威胁施加负面教育结果, 提出投诉, or otherwise exercises their rights under the 政策.

VI. 请求支持和帮助

If you need help or support with reasonable modifications related to your pregnancy or status as a parent contact:

民权遵从办公室 & 第九条





2 Seelye Drive
413 585-3050

7. 投诉

A.   If the pregnant or parenting student has experienced harassment, 基于怀孕学生或怀孕相关状况的学生身份或由于行使本政策规定的权利而受到歧视或报复, 他们可以使用 Maxient or EthicsPoint or by directly contacting the following campus official(s):

     民权遵从办公室 & 第九条

有关怀孕或相关情况的投诉将按照不当性行为政策中规定的程序处理, Appendix B: Adjudicating All Other Allegations of Prohibited Conduct.

B.   向学院提出投诉并不妨碍任何个人向外部机构提出投诉,也不是向学院提出投诉是联系外部机构的先决条件.


     United States Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission
     约翰F. 肯尼迪联邦大厦 
     网站: www.平等Employment机会委员会.gov

十二世. 政策检讨周期

This policy will be reviewed at least biannually or as needed to reflect changes in laws, regulations or major changes in College operations.

十三世. 相关政策

  • 平等就业机会政策
  • 平等教育机会政策

由总统团队批准; 建立8/1/2024; 上次修订:无